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Showing posts from December, 2003
Do ^^^these guys^^^ come with a: ...and if so, do they still qualify as love dolls , or would that only be these things ?

go! go! power rangers!

Strangeness from hereabouts. I'd like to see this subject matter handled by Chad Michael Ward ; it would end up being like the S.I.C. series of Kikaider and Kamen Rider , or Nirasawa's work for Fewture .

savage love

Anyway, is Meiwes guilty of murder? At the very real risk of pissing off the cannibal community (”yes, Virginia, there is a "cannibal community"; a few "cannibal supporters" have been attending Meiwes' trial, lending him their "moral" support”) I take a hard-line position on cannibalism. Gosh darn it, I just think it's wrong. Meiwes may have had his victim's consent (Brandes' consumption was not only videotaped, but also devoutly wished for), but there are times when the very act of giving your consent proves you're not competent to give your consent. A perfectly healthy person who consents to his own sexualized murder, for example, and eats his own tough, overcooked penis before being killed, is in need of mental help, not meat tenderizer. His consent is meaningless, and obtaining it does not exonerate the man who murdered him. ( Dan Savage/Onion AV Club )


Stuff to not-do at the Return of the King. One could greatly piss off some people . (I had to include this Comment, in case HaloScan comments service ever goes under...) Wonderful ideas all. They don't have my favorite thing to do tho': wait for Legolas to appear on screen and then go off on a "Jay" from "Jay and Silent Bob" joke tangent. "Did joos see them fuckin' Orcs and shit, Silent Dwarf?!? You and me gots to go busta few arrows and whup some axes up in them ugly-ass sonsabitches, nootch! We're gonna defend this mutherfuckin' castle RANGER-style an' shit! Then I'm gonna be all UHHN UHHN with that fine-ass lady hobbit! SNOOGINS!" K.D. | 12.28.03 - 10:56 pm

happy fscking holidays

The goth girl and her squirrel have an non-holiday special up on their main page at Ill Will Press. It is full of all kinds of mirth and foul language. Warren Ellis offers his year-end thoughts . In particular, I enjoy: "An unelected dictator responsible for horrific evil catches an unelected dictator responsible for horrific evil." I was about to send out the Christmas letter as a MS Word document attachment to an email, when I checked the filesize: 7 MB. I know *I* wouldn't be happy to get a 7MB attachment in my mailbox. What the hell is MS doing with the 3, 270k pictures that are in it, that it needs to become 7 MB? Then I realized that a lot of people don't have word. Then I realized that the same would be true of an Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF. Maybe I should just throw a web-page up. I enjoy that this has come up when it's too late to just snailmail the things out. "Own damned fault."

the fungal issues

k.d. bryan, who is as sharp as a just-sharpened pencil, hypothesized an imaginary band out of one tiny suggestion: December 17, 2003 - 09:15 PM Re: the fungal issues I can just imagine the Rolling Stone interview: "Well, there's no one way to describe our sound. The Fungal Issues sort of came out of all of us getting our groove on together, y'know, unified in the funk. I don't think it's fair to say that one person is responsible for all of The Fungal Issues. It is true that K.D. (Bryan, lead triangle) scratched the surface and really infected us with his enthusiasm - I mean, without him there would be no Fungal Issues. But the Fungal Issues is really everywhere now and I think that's because everybody can identify with the Fungal Issues." Tempting . . . buuuut no. December 19, 2003 - 02:17 AM Re: Making the Band Spin's review of our self-indulgent fourteenth album, "We Are The Fungal Issues": "Breaking onto the scene in...

last day of work for 2003

This year at Yuke's has been particularly long and challenging; I spent about ½ of it on Supreme Crunch-Plus Overtime . In 8 or so years of game development, I think this was the most productive year to-date. We shipped WrestleMania XIX for NGC, and we Japanese-localized 3 different versions of Finding Nemo in time for sale on it's December 6 opening day. It was our first GBA project, and our first multiplatform project, so it feels like it was a huge accomplishment. Today is the last day of work for the year. Well, for me anyway. I get several free days off, and by just taking a couple more, I get from now until the 6th of January off. If this causes jealousy, please post the punishment of your choice in the handy Comments field provided.

hello kitty

I still think the Hello Kitty " finger massager " would be a better USB device, but if you want to talk to a low-end animatronic with a related screensaver, here's your thing . Two ports, though? Honestly, I assumed for US$80 that Kitty had more than two ports. (via boingboing )

"astra, come here for a second"

Context: From Astra's G.L.I.T.T.E.R.A..T.I. tribe of shiny people, where I operate as a sleeper agent: Re: if you HAD to be a super hero/villain... My costume would be the one I debuted on the Castro with: a formfitting black leather mask, Kato-style, that ties with a matching thong in the back. Of course, under that is black greasepaint around the eyes, right up to the eyelids, for that seamless look. Add a black latex T-shirt (mixing two chewable surfaces), and black jeans with heavy black shoes. I'd add to that (once-existing) costume, a gadget-laden codpiece, called (in deference to an earlier thread) "The Jeweled Meat Hammer." Astra would be my demented brother/sister/arch-enemy, in a sort of binary orbit of several G.L.I.T.T.E.R.A.T.I. subcliques: Lovers of Virtue Eternum, and Hellbound Apathets' Terror Engineering. We would fight tooth and nail in public all week, but send each other chocolate and tiny electronics on weekends. My secret identity...


A Russian artsite with a lot of exceptional Painter stuff. makes me want to learn the program. Actually, it makes me wish Photoshop would quit whoring itself to web-heads, and get some more artist tools integrated. Someone's going to come along and eat their lunch, like Quark did to PageMaker. I hope. Ooh! And another good site :

i am spider jerusalem

heads-up: here is some tasty transhuman erotica by Warren Ellis, the creator of Spider Jerusalem.


Some days, Japan is a country of creepy shit.

hostile takeover

Sammy is taking over Sega : big news , but not stunning. But as two Japanese companies, the fact that Sammy's top dog, Hajime Satomi, is publicly slapping Sega around with the new corporate agenda is pretty surprising. Satomi has also indicated that he wants the respected Japanese publisher to start using Sammy’s Atomiswave arcade technology and has suggested that if there is any resistance from existing Sega employees, then Sammy will simply purchase more shares - in order to force its point.

there's a faq

There's a FAQ for Japan . Unofficial of course, but so is the SAQ . These would both have been helpful before I came over here the first time in 1993. There's all kinds of stuff in these that I didn't know. Hrm. (via memepool ) In case you're wondering, the subtitle to the blog, " kono fakku yarou to onaji you ni, ne. " is the translator's dialog from Quentin's Kill Bill . The English dialog is, "...the same as this fuck right here!" Blogger didn't like actual Japanese characters mixed in with the Western unicode to which it's set.

steve jobs in rs

Interesting interview with Steve Jobs about Apple's new role in the music industry . At first, they kicked us out. But we kept going back again and again. The first record company to really understand this stuff was Warner. Next was Universal. Then we started making headway. And the reason we did, I think, is because we made predictions. And we were right. We told them the music subscription services they were pushing were going to fail. MusicNet was gonna fail, Pressplay was gonna fail. Here's why: People don't want to buy their music as a subscription. They bought 45s, then they bought LPs, they bought cassettes, they bought 8-tracks, then they bought CDs. They're going to want to buy downloads. They didn't see it that way. There were people running around -- business-development people -- who kept pointing to AOL as the great model for this and saying, "No, we want that -- we want a subscription business." Slowly but surely, as these things didn'...


Japan has its own set of emoticons . These are called kao-moji , which literally translates to "face characters." There are so many variations on these, it's overwhelming. For instance, if I want to convey concern or worry to a friend in the US, I'm limited to this: :-/ On the other hand, in Japan, I can use this: (^_^);; (that's "sweat"), or any of these , or even imply the need for a full-blown retreat . There are so many of them, webpages devoted to them are broken down into sections, with screens worth of variants. The kao-moji are less an accepted standard, and more of a form of freestyled text-art that shares more with ASCII art text files than the static happy faces of the West.

auto-fetishitically delicious

This robot car makes the segway look like a goofy-ass toy. And unlike that unicycle that was making the rounds, this is at least a running prototype. Maybe we can get it to voltron with this wheelchair , so we can get little single-rider ATV versions of these. (via boingboing )

"guns, guns, guns"

Some ass-hat fscking clan gamer thought it would be smart to settle an argument ...with a real gun? It's unclear. This hasn't really broken into the mainstream media yet, but I suspect a gamer holding a gun to another gamer's head at a game-related event will eventually get into the "games encourage violent behavior" coverage. See also the press statement . (via gamasutra news )

is this some kind of joke?

When I saw the link for a trailer to Enki Bilal's new film , it got me all worked up. His art is stunning, inspired, accomplished. I own several collections of his work. The teaser, though... Is poor. I'd no idea it would resemble a mediocre portfolio reel. (via DPH )

snow, for those without it

Make your own underwear. I mean snowflakes. Cut-out snowflakes . Download them, or save them to the online gallery. It's hosted by Jockey, which is why I made the "underwear" mistake. But you could cut up underwear this way, and have a mixed statement about the nature of winter holidays, and their commercialization. I'm sleepy. (via d.yeti )


If you don't have time to find out why you shouldn't see a movie, check Defective Yeti's Bad Review Revue : sets of reviews, reduced to one-liners that give the essence of raison d'éviter.

ara! abunai!

NHK is Japan's national TV channel. It's like the Public Broadcasting System would be in America, if PBS had an army of door to door salesmen that can legally demand money just because you have a TV and might be watching their channel. However, it's really neat to have a weird, educational, and progressive station that is showing stuff that doesn't have a place on a commercial channel. No, they didn't do Domo-kun, that's BS (Broadcast Satellite), which is another system again. However, NHK has created series that have had their own explosive fads as well. Pitagora Switch is a daily dose of cartoons and Rube Goldberg devices; in it, two previously unknown comedians invented Arugorizumu Taisou (Algorhythm Exercise), a strangely droll but hypnotic sequence of stretching exercises designed to near-miss during a series of would-be violent connections with one's exercise partner. While looking for online presentations of it, I also came across a flash presentati...

cowboy bebop?

What is Samurai Champloo ? It looks like Cowboy Bebop's mirror universe. It starts here in spring of '04, on broadcast TV. Does this mean I have to figure out how to program my VCR? (via M. Christian )

patently ridiculous

The title should be read to the same beat as "magically delicious." Sega is suing a mess of companies over the gameplay of Simpsons: Road Rage being too similar to Crazy Taxi. What's craziest is they have apparently been granted a patent on the gameplay. Patent reform... Really. Please, someone show the patent office the light... Lawyers from Sega of America have filed a patent infringement suit, claiming that The Simpsons: Road Rage was designed to "deliberately copy and imitate" the basic concept and gameplay from Crazy Taxi, to which it holds a patent. The suit names publisher Fox Interactive, distributor Electronic Arts and developer Radical Entertainment. Road Rage was widely criticised at its time of release for being a blatant Crazy Taxi clone and indeed the company is using several such reviews as part of its evidence. If successful the move could have a huge impact on the game industry, which since the earliest days of Pong and Space Invaders has seen...

just for tim

This post is to provide a convenient place to engage in Commenty dialog regarding Kim Stanley Robinson's Years of Rice and Salt , which would have been topical when that was the author on the sidebar, and now would appear simply silly. Comment away, Tim.

my cellmodem is begging me to stop

My wee little k-opticom cellular modem (equivalent to dualISDN), which is currently my only home connection to the internet, is beginning to warp and buckle from the the internet stresses currently placed on it. Well, that, or the in-progress printing of the annual Christmas gift calendar is furthering the local PC slowdown via poorly written drivers that offload the bulk of print-thinking to my PC rather than handling it at the device that is doing the actual printing. However, I'd vote for extradimensional interference, given a choice. As for why I don't have broadband, in one of the cheapest broadband fee countries in the world, that's a story for another post. Currently there is an array of browser tabs open in the one Mozilla window that is sitting in my taskbar, and it's loading several more tabs worth of web pages while I type into this, the Blogger tab. In terms of Task Bar space, this is funny, because the less complicated (and nearly as helpful Getleft takes u...


" The whole of the site is basically one big series of 5 star Amazon reviews for every movie ever made. Knowles would rave about a movie that was a three second loop of a cow exploding set to techno music." (Something Awful, regarding ) (via tkolar)

colymbosathon ecplecticos

Making the rounds: The animal, a new member of a large species group called ostracode, was buried under volcanic ash which mineralized and retained an image of its soft body parts. That unique preservation enabled researchers to construct a highly detailed three-dimensional picture of the animal after digging the fossil from a rock bed in Herefordshire. Details revealed include gills, eyes, limbs designed for swimming and the oldest known male organ in the fossil record. It was this last that led researchers to name the new species, Colymbosathon ecplecticos, which is Greek for " amazing swimmer with large penis ." (thanks Monty!)

testing the "loser personnel catapult"

(via boingboing )

xbox of steel

My friends made the xbox "Superman: Man of Steel" game (as Circus Freak Studios). Who knew, like the game's character, the xbox can deflect bullets ? Short recap for those unwilling to read a Baltimore newspaper: Roommates playing games at excessive volumes until the wee hours. Roommates fail to be considerate of gun-owning-roommate's sleeping schedule. G-O-Roommate kills xbox. I've wondered about the bullet-stopping power of the xbox ever since first seeing its massive form two TGS's ago. (Note to self: if an xbox is used offensively, bide time, and inflict ninja justice on it using the killing-palm technique; it's untraceable (except for the palmprint), and doesn't lead to JAIL.) (via gamespot )

ftaa (insert clever f-word based acryonym here)

This FTAA incident reminds me of an incident, less about violence and the misuse of public resources (which is covered in the FTAA thing well enough) than just misrepresentativeness in the current legal system: Two friends of mine were walking through the woods in the hills behind UCSC. One was attending school there, and the other was visiting from Berkeley. They happened to walk into an area where protesters had chained themselves to trees, and officers were arresting them for impeding a construction process (IIRC). My two friends, who had paused to see what the hubbub was about, were quickly surrounded, arrested, and taken into custody. This begs the question, "why?" to me. It's one thing to get a speeding ticket, or a jaywalking ticket, but to be arrested for being in the wrong place seemed foolish on the part of the police. Both friends were booked, put in jail, and were made to wait overnight for a preliminary hearing. The friend from Berkeley had both wor...

target acquired

Leland Yee , of the California State Assembly, wants to make all FPS (first person perspective shooting games)">illegal for sale to minors (google news) . I wonder if he knows that GTA is a 3rd person game... Ah, well, I bet the legalese will handily take care of a whole mess of purchasing freedoms , like a sloppy drive-by. You can link to the Sacramento Bee article from the slashdot thread . It all gets down to the same problem: parents need to be aware of any entertainment their children are involved in. No amount of legislation will change that, or replace an active, involved parent.

made of meat

This story from the long-defunct OMNI magazine (I'm not pulling an Abe Vigoda Is Dead thing here, am I?) holds up well, though I unfortunately picture the Simpsons' aliens having the chat. (Thanks, Monty!) As a followup, I tried to provide the tastiness of, but it's GONE. No, I normally didn't have the stomach to view more than a couple images.