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One of the big disadvantages of the iPod Shuffle is that it has no display screen. In the days when I bought most of my music on CD, it was no problem to keep track of what I was listening to; it was whatever single CD I had placed in the stereo. Lately I download a lot of free, legal music from the web, and enjoy all the new sounds; but it is hard to know what I am listening to at any given time. So when I hear something I like, and it’s in my collection but I don’t know how to find it, telling people what I am listening to and enjoying becomes very difficult.

Collide (iTMS) is one of those bands that keeps cropping up in that way. They’re a little like This Mortal Coil, a little like Swarf, Garbage, Kate Bush, Natassja Atlas, and other international/global, dark techno bands. The vocals are particularly entrancing. While you can get several albums from iTunes Music Store, including the 26-track remix album Vortex (iTMS) for USD9.99, you can pick up three tracks from three of their albums (nine, total!) from their website to enjoy.


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