A revised look at the Threat Level alert system, and what things are actually likely to affect us, via Wired News: One Million Ways to Die:
S E V E R E Driving off the road: 254,419 Falling: 146,542 Accidental poisoning: 140,327 |
H I G H Dying from work: 59,730 Walking down the street: 52,000. Accidentally drowning: 38,302 |
E L E V A T E D Killed by the flu: 19,415 Dying from a hernia: 16,742 |
G U A R D E D Accidental firing of a gun: 8,536 Electrocution: 5,171 |
L O W Being shot by law enforcement: 3,949 Terrorism: 3147 Carbon monoxide in products: 1,554 |
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