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more, way cool transformer-style car stuff

YouTube - C4 ice skate (thanks, monty)


  1. And then the ice cracked from the weight and they all died.

    Citronbot - "HA HA HA I REGRET NOTHING!"

  2. HAW HAW

    Poor, frozen drowned scientists. Yes, the Citroen Robot did not have his asimov laws installed that day because they interfered with him being a BADASS.

  3. While I know it's wrong, I think 'being a BADASS' superceding all of Asimov's laws of robotics . . . well, it would just lead to the best robot stories EVER.

  4. I have to say, watching that the Citronbot does come off as a bit of a dick.

  5. Consider the country of origin.


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