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to live and die in LA

Well, the circle of the LA containment area extends up into Orange County, thereby enveloping Fullerton in the space that LA’s old spooks re allowed to move in. Jones doesn’t live there: he lives in the Chemosphere, up in the Hollywood hills (in real life, of course, the publisher Benedikt Taschen lives in the Chemosphere). I’ve been deliberately vague in the book about where the Chemosphere is, just as I've been deliberately vague about other locations -- which has gotten me weird hate mail from a writer at CBR. The introduction of the notion of supermodernism in #1 says it all—I don’t think of LA as an honest geographical space, a place where people stay, a place where traditional cities happen. As a native said to me on the first day I ever spent there, LA isn’t a city—it’s a handful of towns strung together by a thousand miles of freeway. The biggest constructions in the area are not designed to be lived in, but to be traversed. It’s a place that became designed for machines, not humans, at some point.
Warren Ellis on Desolation Jones


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